Adelaide Building Inspections: Flaws in Buildings That Go Unnoticed by the Public

Buildings may contain numerous flaws that go undetected by the public, yet a professional building inspector can detect and highlight these defects to save both money and time.

A Detail-Building-Inspections Adelaide building inspections will ensure your build conforms to standards and codes councils require for safety and functionality, such as grade and spacing of joists, insulation in rooms, fire safety requirements and staircases.


Mold has recently made headlines, and building inspectors regularly search for it during home inspections. Mold is an insidious fungus that thrives in small spaces that is hard to detect without professional assistance. If you suspect mould growth in your home, home inspectors offer environmental sampling tests as a solution.

Home inspectors who discover mould on a property typically recommend hiring a specialist for remediation. Mold can pose health hazards such as respiratory illnesses or asthma attacks. Furthermore, its presence may trigger nasal congestion, sneezing, coughing or wheezing in those with compromised immune systems.

The best way to combat mould growth is to ensure all water-damaged areas are dried and treated immediately, such as leaky roofs, without delay. You should also try keeping humidity levels between 35-50% so as to minimise moisture-related issues like mould growth.

Hairline Cracks

Cracked walls can be an eyesore and could signal serious structural problems. A building inspector can help determine whether a crack is non-structural and repairable with filler and paint or needs more extensive and expensive structural repairs [1].

Cracked plaster surfaces on lath are caused by temperature and humidity fluctuations which cause shrinkage or swelling, leaving fine hairline horizontal cracks that can easily be patched up. They should not be taken seriously and do not need immediate attention from you or professionals.

Repairing hairline cracks in concrete structures typically involves filling them with an adhering material that adheres well with the concrete, restores its original appearance, and keeps liquids from penetrating into and soiling it [2]. Cleaning both the cracked surface and interior area prior to filling will ensure optimal adhesion; additionally moistening the crack prior to applying the filler will allow its penetration. If you don’t want to these issues come your way, always invest in a Detail-Building-Inspections Adelaide building inspections.


Preventing plumbing problems early can save homeowners thousands. A building inspector is equipped to identify and flag any potential problems, which might necessitate further inspection by a professional plumber.

Leaks can lead to a build-up of water that damages building structures and poses health risks to residents. Home inspectors will look for signs of leaks such as musty smells, buckled flooring and walls, dark stains on ceilings or walls and bubbles in paint as telltale indicators of possible leakage.

Water supply pipes may freeze when temperatures drop, causing them to crack or burst. Inspectors will check these pipes in unfinished basements and crawl spaces as well as exterior piping such as for hose bibbs and outdoor sinks.

Bathrooms must be properly ventilated in order to reduce moisture and humidity levels that could cause mould, mildew, rot and corrosion in fittings and fixtures. An inspector will check that bathrooms contain functional vents leading outside and evaluate its efficacy by filling and emptying all drains simultaneously.


No matter whether the building is under new construction or major renovation, electrical safety must always be top of mind. Even minor wiring flaws could pose a fire risk over time. Inspectors examine wiring, circuit breakers, lighting fixtures and general fixtures – as well as checking GFCI outlets in areas prone to moisture exposure such as kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms – while making sure there are enough dedicated circuits for appliances that require them.

One common source of danger in electrical installations is spliced wire, which poses the threat of fire or electrocution. A detail-Building-Inspections Adelaide building inspections will evaluate if proper heights for electrical boxes have been achieved as well as ensure adequate clearance between heating equipment and combustible material, and use of proper gauge wire according to load. Furthermore, inspectors look out for any exposed wires which need covering immediately as these are fire hazards that should be resolved as soon as possible.