How to best clean your sofa upholstery

Acorn Upholstery Cleaning

Checking the label

This is a very important step when it comes to cleaning any upholstery; check the label. You can usually find this label on the underside of the sofa. Furthermore, you can (and probably should) check with the manufacturer too. They may have special rules or suggestions for when it comes to cleaning your sofa. In some cases, a specialised cleaning kit may be available, and this will be the best to use.

Common cleaning codes are W, S/P, SW, or X. These are as follows,

  • W: It is safe to use water for cleaning with this material
  • S/P: The material is dry clean only, and so it is only safe to use solvent-based cleaners
  • SW: Either water or a solvent cleaner can be used; furthermore, steam cleaning is also safe.
  • X: This means only a vacuum should be used; in general, X marked sofas will need to be cleaned by professionals, and amateur methods should be avoided entirely.

In the case of any ‘X’ marked Sofas, Acorn will be able to help and provide a robust and effective treatment.

Preparing your Sofa

Before any cleaning can start, there’s a few things you’ll need to get ready. You’ll need,

  • A good, high quality cleaning cloth (avoid coloured clothes – this can result in dye stains on the sofa itself)
  • Baking soda
  • Carpet cleaner (if suitable for the material)
  • A vacuum, with a brush attachment
  • A good dry brush

You should begin the process by removing any cushions, removing any loose change, wrappers, or other things which have become entrapped in the sofa. Ensure the sofa is completely cleared of any of this before you get into the next steps of cleaning.

The next stage is using the vacuum (with the brush attachment) to remove any debris from the couch. This includes crumbs, hair, food particles, and other materials which create bad odours. The best approach is to use a gentle sweeping motion. Remember to vacuum in the crevices of the sofa. Special attachments make this process much easier.

Once this is complete, the next step is making use of baking soda. While baking soda is suited for most upholstery, it’s always good to test it out first. Find an inconspicuous area on the sofa and try using it there. Once you are pleased with the results, you can move onto the next step.

Apply the baking soda all over the whole sofa and allow it to sit for twenty to thirty minutes. This will allow it to remove any bad smells. Then, vacuum it up.

If you really want to make sure your fabric is thoroughly cleaned, blend the baking soda with carpet cleaner, and spread it across the sofa. After around twenty to thirty minutes, use either your vacuum or a damp cloth to remove it.

Spot Cleaning

Once the general clean is completed, the next step is looking for any spots or stains. For this, you’ll need a range of different items,

  • A clean cloth
  • Spoon
  • Warm water
  • A soft bristled brush
  • Washing-up liquid

Using a measuring jug, mix 1 part washing-up liquid to 4 parts warm water. This mixture should be turned into a spreadable foam, which with a soft bristled brush should be rubbed into the stain.

Use a spoon to remove the foam – this is necessary because spreading the foam will cause it to rub into the fabric. After all this, use a cloth to white away any of the remaining foam.

Much like with using baking sofa, test this process first on an inconspicuous part of your couch and make sure you’re pleased with the results.

Dealing with even tougher Stains

In some cases, stains can survive spot cleaning. Stronger materials and products will be required for handling this.

Materials such as white vinegar become useful here. As always, it is important you test everything to ensure the results are what you want.

Mixing equal parts water and white vinegar, ‘blot’ the stains, and wipe them away after a couple of minutes. Then use a light mix of washing-up liquid and water (avoid too much water) to wipe the cleaned area.

Getting the Professionals In

If you feel the process is too demanding or complex, or would rather save yourself a lot of time and effort while also ensuring the best possible results, it’s always good to get experts in. There’s good reason that sofa cleaning is a professional industry; it can be a demanding process, and amateur mistakes can create unsightly stains and other marks.

Acorn Upholstery Cleaning Glasgow have years of professional experience cleaning couches and upholstery, saving you a lot of time, effort, and stress. Acorn can guarantee a thorough, fully professional service that’ll fully refresh your couch. Call us today at call at 0141 212 0212 or email us at