Kids shoes: Choosing the Right Shoes For Your Child

As children go through this crucial growth period, they require shoes that allow their feet to bend, grip and move naturally – the proper pair can help avoid foot injuries.

Kids’ feet grow half a size every two to four months. To avoid their toes getting pinched by too-tight shoes, purchase ones a half size larger than your child currently wears.


The sole of Spendless kids shoes NZ provides traction, cushioning and flexibility, helping the foot move naturally to promote healthy development of feet.

Hard-soled shoes unnaturally restrict foot movement, placing an unnecessary strain on other parts of your body, such as ankles, knees and feet. Children’s soft-soled shoes are specifically designed to assist your child in learning to walk correctly.

Checking Kids Shoe Size

To measure your children’s feet accurately and ensure the appropriate shoe size, use our printable shoe chart or have them stand in their shoes with their heels at the back and feel for any pressure points, such as the big toe touching the end of the shoe. Aim to have half thumb width of space above the toe, ensuring no pinching or catching happens while feeling the width of the shoe to make sure it suits their toes comfortably.


Children’s feet swell throughout the day as they move around, so shoes must fit correctly. Aim for leaving at least a thumb-width gap between your child’s big toe and the front of their shoe; too small could lead to squashed toes leading to painful rubbing, blisters or foot problems, while too large will cause forces from movement through feet and leg to increase exponentially.

To check for a proper fit, have your child stand up in their shoes and press down on the toe area, pressing down against their toe area until there is a gap (thumb width), so they can twist their foot without hitting against the front of their shoe – this provides more comfort while decreasing forces that travel up through their leg and spine. Ensure their fastening mechanism also offers adequate fastening systems – laces or Velcro work great as alternatives!


Parents must ensure their Spendless kids shoes NZ are in tip-top condition for maximum hygiene and maintenance. Closures that grip well should fit securely while remaining low enough so kids can experience sensory feedback from touching the ground with their feet, providing natural movement patterns and sensory feedback.

When trying on shoes with children, ensure they stand up and give each pair of shoes a thorough shake to ensure they fit comfortably and allow enough room for future growth. Bear in mind that their feet may swell throughout the day; therefore, it is wiser to measure their shoes in the afternoon rather than in the morning.

Select machine-washable options with gentle cycles and cool water for easy shoe care. When finished washing them, ensure they are correctly stored to preserve their shape and prevent any moisture or sun damage from moisture or sunlight exposure.


Natural materials are preferable when selecting shoes for children. Natural materials allow their feet to breathe and adapt naturally as they age; leather is soft yet durable enough to form your foot over time. Look for shoes with laces, Velcro fastenings or buckles so they can be fastened securely as your child grows.

Spendless kids shoes NZ are constructed using vegetable-tanned leather and organic cotton from sustainable sources and ethically sourced merino wool, where sheep are raised under humane conditions. Their products are assembled at WRAP-certified or other ethically-vetted factories, so workers are treated fairly.

It’s best to have your child’s feet measured in a shoe shop by someone who has been trained in how to measure a foot and fit shoes properly. It will ensure that your child gets a pair of shoes that are the right size, width and type for their feet. Remember that children’s feet grow very quickly, so even if their shoes are the right size, they may not fit comfortably once they’ve worn them for a while.