The Top 10 Best Solar Companies in the US

The world is facing an energy crisis, and the need for renewable sources of energy is becoming more pressing every day. Solar energy has become one of the most popular solutions to this problem, as it provides clean, cost-effective electricity that doesn’t damage the environment. But with so many companies offering solar solutions, it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best solar companies in the US.


Sunrun is a leading residential solar service provider in the United States and offers several attractive financing options for homeowners interested in installing solar panels on their rooftops. Their services include installation, equipment leasing and power purchase agreements (PPA). They also offer energy storage solutions like batteries to store excess electricity generated by your solar system and provide additional savings on your electric bills.


SolarCity is another popular residential solar provider with operations in over 20 states across the US. They offer several financing options including leases and PPAs as well as cash purchases for those who choose to install their own systems. SolarCity also provides maintenance services after installation to ensure that your system is running efficiently throughout its lifetime.


Vivint offers comprehensive home automation solutions alongside its residential solar offerings which includes equipment leasing, PPAs and cash purchases as well as monitoring services for customers who choose to lease or enter into a PPA agreement with them.


SunPower produces some of the most efficient photovoltaic (PV) modules available on the market today and offers both residential and commercial PV systems that are designed to last 25 years or more without any degradation of efficiency or performance over time. They also offer several financing options including leases, PPAs and cash purchases depending on what works best for your needs and budget requirements


Tesla’s mission statement includes transitioning our nation away from fossil fuels towards renewable sources of energy like solar power which they aim to do by providing high quality PV products including their sleek-looking roof tiles which are designed to blend in seamlessly with any roof style while providing maximum efficiency through their integrated electronics systems that allow them to capture more sun than traditional modules alone could ever do.. Additionally they offer several financing options including loans and PPAs through their partner network so customers can find what works best for them when considering installing a new Tesla PV system at their home or business premises


Sungevity specializes in providing turnkey PV systems both residential and commercial scale while making sure that they meet all local building codes before installation begins so customers don’t have any surprises once it’s up-and-running.. Additionally they provide free design consultations online so potential customers can get an idea about what kind of system would work best for them before committing financially into buying one from them

Solar Universe

Solar Universe provides turnkey solutions both residential as well as commercial scale from start-to-finish making sure that each customer gets exactly what they need without going through too much hassle along the way.. In addition they offer several attractive financing options such as leases, PPAs even zero down payment plans depending on each customer’s unique needs

Real Goods Solar: Real Goods Solar specializes in providing tailored PV systems based on individual customer requirements while offering exceptional customer service throughout entire process ensuring that any issues are addressed quickly before becoming bigger problems later down road.. Their financial packages include various payment plans such as loans or PPAs depending on each person’s personal circumstances

NRG Home Solar

NRG Home Solar provides flexible finance packages ranging from outright purchase contracts all way up long term lease agreements ensuring there something suitable every homeowner regardless budget constraints.. Additionally they provide monitoring services after installation make sure everything running smoothly throughout life cycle

Sun Edison

Sun Edison has built solid reputation offering quality products along great customer service helping homeowners businesses transition toward cleaner source energy production .. Their range financial packages include zero down payment leases even loan programs those looking buy upfront without taking out large loan